I am repeating a topic for this project because I have discovered that I really like light painting. I love that I can capture the stars (and moon tonight) as well as another subject, like the trees.
I also find the process very soothing- just me and the dogs under the stars, waiting for the shutter to open so I can hurry and wash the trees in light (with my flashlight) before it closes again. That’s the only sound I hear except for an occasional night bird singing her song.
It is peaceful under the stars. I have breathed many prayers to the Lord under them, especially since my mama left this earth. The stars remind me of his faithfulness. They are a quiet sounding board when I am full of angst or despair. I sense his nearness under the stars. I needed that tonight.
Just a simple Sunday post.
May you sense his nearness tonight.
Psalm 57:10,11 ~”For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth.”